Saturday, January 8, 2011

Homey Awards

First of all, we'd like to thank WSTW and Mark Rogers, host of Hometown Heroes, for all of the love and support this past year. Mark is certainly a man who understands and appreciates the passion behind original music and is dedicated to getting it heard. For that, sir, we are sincerely grateful. Each year, Hometown Heroes hosts it's own version of the Grammy's, with listeners submitting their picks for the best in each category and those nominations being voted on by a panel of judges. This beautiful process is also known as the Homey Awards, and this year we need your help to make it to the final ballot.

It's simple. You can give your opinion on as many or as few topics as you'd like and even make your own categories. Be creative! There is a lot of great original music in the area and if you disagree then maybe you should take a listen to some of the artists on this year's recap list. When you're done rocking out, make your choices and email them to: BY JANUARY 22ND! If you missed the Hometown Heroes segment featuring us back in June, you can hear a few of the live tracks on our ReverbNation page.
